Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Nathan's Mask

Story Board

This is my Story Board for my film trailer. It has all the duration times of each shot so it gives us a rough idea of how long the trailer is going to be. I've used existing film trailers to help me with mine, i've used trailers such as 'Cabin in the Woods' and 'Devils Due' as i think these are the best and most relevant trailers to help with mine. The music in the trailers have helped me with my trailer. Having happier music at the beginning when everything seems to be alright and then after the Film Production Company Logo  comes up, it changes to darker, sinister music. 

Friday, 12 December 2014

Appropriate Audience Slide

This is the first thing that will be scene when we show our trailer. It is our own version of the green american version that is shown before most trailers on Youtube. This helps make our trailer look like a real production and adds to the development to the overall trailer and my coursework 

Blog Feedback


Research and Planning Part 2
Incomplete/ Limited
0-7 marks
8-11 marks
12-15 marks
16-20 marks
Key scenes
In Proficient
Key Scene script

Prop List



Filming key scenes


Film logo ideas

Audience feedback on logo ideas

Shot list


Production company logo ideas

Audience feedback on logo ideas


ü  Key scene 3 shows real strength: you begin to experiment with editing; exploring more interesting narrative perspective/ audience positioning.
ü  Well done for conducting some independent and innovative additions to the spreadsheet to develop your research and planning.
ü  You have started to take photos and add them to some posts to enhance your ideas and demonstrate technical skill.
ü  You are continuing to use a range of technologies on your blog.


·       Add a description or brief explanation to each blog post – eventually this will be seen by an external moderator will a close up of Jack under a subheading make sense to them? They won’t know you, your group or your circumstances so you need to make this explicit.
·       Key scene 1 and 2 don’t appear to be key at the moment. Are these scenes really the most important/ captivating narrative that your film offers? You need to develop/ improve these. (Why are these different on Max’s blog? Can you share these?)
·       Work needs to be done on your shot list for your trailer – just 10 shots?
·       Try to proof read blog posts to correct basic SPaG errors

Pupil Comment:
To make my work at least a B standard, I will need to do all the EBI. I will need to make sure that I keep my work consistent. I need to make my key scenes better as I thought they were only for my trailer, I will now take one of the key scenes out and replace it with a murder scene. This will make my key scenes an excellent hopefully.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Key Scenes

These are the three 'Key' scenes that I first thought were the most important but after recording them and editing them, I realised that not all of them were the most important to my movie, They can be scene as the key scenes to my trailer but they don't seem that important to what happened in the full movie. I will be recording 2 more scenes which will end up being my keys scenes to my movie and keeping one of the above scenes.

First Key Scene Attempt

This is my first key scenes attempt. After filming this scene, we have changed our actors for the main characters, so we decided to re-record this clip and make it better.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

New actor- Scott

This is the new actor we will have playing the character Scott, our previous actor is no longer able to be a part of our production due to personal reasons, out new actor is able to be part of the production for the full time and will be part of the work for the remaining duration of the course. I've posted this on the blog that it makes sense when looking back at previous character profiles as the previous actor is featured earlier on in my blog on the character profiles. The character has stayed exactly the same however so no other disruption has come to the performance.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Reviews of Film and Producion Logos

Daniels feedback on the production logos:
  • looks professional like an actual production company logo
  • logo is clear, not to confusing
  • The colours work with each making it look effective, the earth stands out well on the black 
  • The connection to the Illuminati, found it interesting 
  • Logo is simple, not too clattered, easy to recognize 
Connors feedback on the production logos:
  • Thought the logo was too plain 
  • Not enough colour, so doesn't attract his attention 
  • Not very creative

After asking questions and getting feedback from people in my target audience for my logo ideas, i was able to gather a rough idea of what was peoples favourite logo and what were the weaknesses of them. using the weaknesses, I will be able to make the favourite logos better which will improve them.

Film logos

These are our first draft logos, the main image is a computer screen tying in with our film as it is based of cyber terrorizing and also acts as the main body of the image to house the other images, the blood represents the murder aspect of the film and also makes it more eye catching, with just a monitor it would look very boring and unappealing to any audience, the splattered blood will bring more attention to our film and also gives a strong indication that the film will be slasher horror. The name of the film Slashtag also includes a '#' this is because of the name tying in with the media aspects of the film however it can also actually be used on social media like Twitter or Facebook, the actual of hashtag of '#Slashtag' can be used and this will be something we will be doing to promote our film when it comes to advertising it.    

Shot list

Monday, 17 November 2014

Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrells- Car scene

After reviewing this clip from the film 'Lock Stop and two smoking barrels, i have decided to use similar ideas from this clips when Nathan is getting beaten up. This is an interesting scene as you can't actually see any of the violence happening, it leaves it to you to imagine what is happening to the victim. This will make the scene more interesting as you will see the bullies beating up Nathan from his point of view and also a bird eye view.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Logo Ideas

These are some of the logo ideas me and my group have come up with, we may or may not use these as they are only ideas. We may expand on some of the ideas to improve them.

Thursday, 6 November 2014


Josh Perryman Blog Feedback                                                                                                        October 2014

Research and Planning
Incomplete/ Limited
0-7 marks
8-11 marks
12-15 marks
16-20 marks
Existing Products Research 1/movie


Existing Products Research 2/movie


Existing Products Research/ Print (Thinglink)


Narrative theorists research


Representation. Additional Theory


Outline ideas (mindmaps)


Film pitch ideas


Audience feedback on idea SL

Character Profiles


Treatment for final idea



ü  Your analysis of existing media texts is good and you show and awareness of denotations in all instances. You now need to consider why media producers have made the choices they have and make clear links to key concepts.
ü  You have an awareness of key concepts.
ü  You begin to show an awareness of genre and your research is informed.
ü  You are able to identify generic conventions and comment confidently on how they are used to appeal to audience.
ü  You use a range of technologies on your blog.


·       You need to complete all tasks in full. There is only one audience feedback audio on your blog. You were asked to do three. This is effectively a persistent failure to meet a deadline that was set a long time ago now. Add these to your blog before next lesson.
·       You have the ability to attain proficient, if not excellent results, in this module if you apply yourself Josh. Complete all tasks to the best of your ability.
·       When adding video – edit files to show off your skills.
·       You need to add descriptions to your blog pots. Do they make sense to someone you have never met?

Pupil Comment:
I’m happy with the marks I have been given, but I feel that I can improve them. If I do the ‘EBI’ I will be able to get the B I want, I will also have improve and add more detail to much of my work to secure the B.