Thursday 6 November 2014


Josh Perryman Blog Feedback                                                                                                        October 2014

Research and Planning
Incomplete/ Limited
0-7 marks
8-11 marks
12-15 marks
16-20 marks
Existing Products Research 1/movie


Existing Products Research 2/movie


Existing Products Research/ Print (Thinglink)


Narrative theorists research


Representation. Additional Theory


Outline ideas (mindmaps)


Film pitch ideas


Audience feedback on idea SL

Character Profiles


Treatment for final idea



ü  Your analysis of existing media texts is good and you show and awareness of denotations in all instances. You now need to consider why media producers have made the choices they have and make clear links to key concepts.
ü  You have an awareness of key concepts.
ü  You begin to show an awareness of genre and your research is informed.
ü  You are able to identify generic conventions and comment confidently on how they are used to appeal to audience.
ü  You use a range of technologies on your blog.


·       You need to complete all tasks in full. There is only one audience feedback audio on your blog. You were asked to do three. This is effectively a persistent failure to meet a deadline that was set a long time ago now. Add these to your blog before next lesson.
·       You have the ability to attain proficient, if not excellent results, in this module if you apply yourself Josh. Complete all tasks to the best of your ability.
·       When adding video – edit files to show off your skills.
·       You need to add descriptions to your blog pots. Do they make sense to someone you have never met?

Pupil Comment:
I’m happy with the marks I have been given, but I feel that I can improve them. If I do the ‘EBI’ I will be able to get the B I want, I will also have improve and add more detail to much of my work to secure the B.

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