Thursday 27 November 2014

Reviews of Film and Producion Logos

Daniels feedback on the production logos:
  • looks professional like an actual production company logo
  • logo is clear, not to confusing
  • The colours work with each making it look effective, the earth stands out well on the black 
  • The connection to the Illuminati, found it interesting 
  • Logo is simple, not too clattered, easy to recognize 
Connors feedback on the production logos:
  • Thought the logo was too plain 
  • Not enough colour, so doesn't attract his attention 
  • Not very creative

After asking questions and getting feedback from people in my target audience for my logo ideas, i was able to gather a rough idea of what was peoples favourite logo and what were the weaknesses of them. using the weaknesses, I will be able to make the favourite logos better which will improve them.

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