Thursday, 16 April 2015

Ancillary Texts- with feedback from target audience

After speaking and showing my target audience these 'final' print products, I found that they didnt like a lot of things. I found that most of the people I asked didn't like the picture used, they also said that I shouldn't use the same background on all of them as they would like to see more of where the film is set. Angus said that on the Billboard, the star rating would look better in the middle so "the top would look more symmetrical". On the DVD Cover, they all liked the back of it apart from that the information box was white, they thought it standed out to much. Most of the people asked disliked the front. Luke said that he didn't like how the 'Bullies Get Bullied' down the side and how it had a white background to it. Luke also said that he didn't like how the actors names were in the middle and how the film name was at the top, this was also said by Hannah. 


Wednesday, 15 April 2015

DVD Cover

I found designing the DVD cover a lot harder than making both the magazine front cover and billboard. Having the title large on the front of the cover draws peoples eyes to it, I have also added blood dripping down from below the title as this will show the audience that it is slightly goory and has blood in it. Having the dark background tells the audince its also a sinister film, it also helps bring out the picture of Nathan in the mask show the audience he is the main character and also the main feature in the film. On the back of the DVD cover, I have used the picture of the school as the background, this tells the audience where the film is partly set and what age group the characters are in. As there are two main characters, I have had to include the second main character, Scott. He is on his phone showing the social media side of the film.

Possible Final Trailer/feedback

Of the people that said no, most of them suggested that the film needed more sound effects to make it feel more realistic, for example, when the draw is opening to get the knife out. I also got told that the intertitles didn't look very good and they would look better if the text was moving. Most of the the people who watched the trailer told me how they didn't like how there was only one song playing through the whole trailer and suggested that I had a calmer and slower paced tune at the beginning so that when the clips starts to get more dramatic, the must will also.