Thursday 4 September 2014

Film Research- Avengers Assemble

Film Poster to Avengers Assemble

How do these products link/combine together?

All the different products link together in one way or another. The main convention is that they all stick to the same colour theme and fonts. This is important as the producers want people to recognise the text when they see in in public and think if the film which could make them want to watch the film or buy it. All also have the actors staring on the images or clip, this is so that people know who is in it.

What and why do they have links in common?

The main reason why they have links in common is so that people will recognise what film it is from the actors or font. The costumes that they are wearing is the main thing that will make the viewers/readers recognise what film it is. On the DVD cover and film poster the same picture is used, this is so that people will recognise the DVD cover from the film poster that has been advertising the film, when the film finally makes it to the shelves the but will automatically recognise the picture and might be tempted to buy it.

What purpose does the combination of products have?

The purpose of having links between the different products is so that the imagine of the film with get stuck in people's head. If the different products were different the audience if the film would not recognise or remember the film. It is much easier to remember something if different items if the same  film are all the same in some sort of way. This is a good marketing technique used by film makers as they want to optimize the viewings for the film and get people talking about it.

Who benefits from this combination of products and why?

The  main people that benefit from this are the film producer/s as they are the one getting the profit from the film. The more similarities the different products have the better chance people will remember the film, the more people that remember the film means more film viewings which will bring in money which means more profit.

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